Do you have questions about your delivery?
You will receive an email with a tracking link when the package is sent from the factory.
1. You place your order
When you have placed your order, an automated signal is sent to the factory’s order system.
2. Your boards are printed
Your game is printed with your desired motif on demand (ie it is not in stock) after the order has been placed. It is usually done within 24 hours.
This does not apply to sets marked “Limited”, these are in stock and will be shipped ASAP.
3. Your boards are varnished
After the game has dried after the printer, it should be varnished in 2-3 rounds. The paint needs to dry for about 24 hours and sanded between each coat making this process take about 3 days.
This does not apply to sets marked “Limited”, these are in stock and will be shipped ASAP.
4. Shipping
When the last layer of varnish has dried, the game is packaged and sent from the factory in Holland with the help of DPD. You will now receive an email with a tracking link as soon as it gets picked up at the factory.
When the game then approaches your country border, your local freight company will contact you so you can choose a delivery time that suits you.
Shipping often takes another 3 days.

Contact us
Do you have questions or concerns about our products or the partners we market on the website? Do not hesitate to contact us through the form below and we will normally get back to you within 24 hours.

The store’s address
Cornhole Store Europe AB
Borgås gårdsväg 4 (not visiting address)
43439 Kungsbacka
For questions about delivery of your order:
E-mail: (your language):
For questions about our games and before placing an order:
E-mail: (your language):
Telephone (Swedish): +46300-299 00